All the jamiaets are welcome on this blog. Contribute Khatti meethi yadeiN (memories) & present scenario of life that contains a bit of jamia will be higly appreciated. You can also visit to register student days memory on
Jamia Alumni Forum
Saturday, December 13, 2008
APPEAL-Jamia Millia Islamia Old Boys Association
Assalam alekum,
Recent economic melt down forced many unprecedented events on individuals specially loss of job or pay cut.
Situation is not at all good world wide; however, it is worse in Dubai, UAE where construction/Banking is the most affected industry.
News is censored, but people loosing jobs in thousands.
Developers either collapsed or closed down their projects & this transferred subsequently on construction consultants, contractor, specialized sub contractors, suppliers & financial institutions.
At present it seems this is not going to stop here & will hit all trades in near future if continue.
I have been hearing a lot of jamiaets also affected in various ways.
It is a difficult time.
It is also difficult to give job assurance to any single person however; we need to curb this disturbance by an extent by doing the following.
Get in touch with each other by various means (networking).
Update each other with day to day market developments.
Explore any possible job & post on common platform for jamiaets.
Recommend if any thing is within your reach.
Console those affected & offer support within your reach.
Beside each Jamiaets i would also like to appeal Jamia Millia Islmia Alumni, Riyadh, Jeddah & Kuwait chapter to come forward for the rescue of many jamiaets who lost their job or looking helplessly for relocation as mentioned above.
Let's sail the boat together.
Zubair Irshad
Resident Representative JMIOBA
Jamia Old boys association-UAE
JMIOBA-UAE chapter
Sunday, November 16, 2008
JMI foundation day in UAE-Invitation
Happy 88th foundation day of JMI
Jamia Millia Islamia old boys association (JMIOBA, UAE Chapter) cordially invites you with family to celebrate JMI foundation day in UAE (A day out in campus away from JMI) on 21.11.08 (Friday at 3.30pm onwards) at Emirates English speaking school, Dubai, UAE.
Please confirm your presence to either of the following or by replying to this mail.
Abdullah Hasan : 050-4623903
Nadeem Zaidi : 050-4983960
Mohd.Sharique : 050-8515339
Kind Regards,
Media & IT Committee
Jamia Old Boys Association (JMIOBA-UAE Chapter)
Program details
Date : 21 November 2008 (Friday)
Place : Emirates English speaking school, safa area, Dubai.
Time : 1530 hrs to 2200hrs.
Out door activities for kids, females & individual jamiaets
Presentation program (indoor)
1530hrs : Assembly
1515hrs- 1730hrs : Out door activities
1730hrs-1845hrs : Prayer & refreshments break with Magic Show
1900hrs-2100hrs : Presentation program (indoor)
2100hrs-2200hrs : Dinner Out door activities Fun activities especially for Kids, Females & Individuals
Presentation (indoor) ·
Inaugral speech & welcome note·
Magic Show·
Entertainment Program·
Extempore speech competition between kids & adults·
Prize/Gift distribution·
Vote of Thanks
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A lousy decision & my reply regarding closure of JG
I was browsing through emails & found the following correspondence.
Actually, i would have replied to them at once but i waited for a month before it became unbearable for me to digest misleading & lousy email to close down JG by its self proclaimed Owners.
From: Zubair Irshad [] Sent: 10 June 2008 09:07To: ''Subject:
Dear Ali Faridi (sender of close out email of JG)
Assalam alekum,
Reference email sent from your address on behalf of “Founder members/working committee” to announce closeout of Jamiaets global with stated reasons is a unilateral decision imposed on majority of Jamiaets present in UAE is far away from the truth of democratic norms.
How can you send an email from “Founder members”? As I never accord permission to take such hasty, irresponsible & irrelevant decision?
Please refer to my declination to attend the meeting called by Talha Alvi & go through the contents which are self explanatory (copy attached).
"Mr.Talha Alvi
As a Jamiaet & one of the founders of JG, I do not recognise present working & especially advisory committee due to the following,
Ø Deviation from its basic values (part written by you in your own mail)
Ø Political infestation & interests
Ø Non democratic approach, procedure & decisions.
Moreover, I don’t think camouflage committee is capable to handle/decide alone in lieu with true sprit of JMI.
Thank you for the invitation & note my declination to accept it in totality of the scenario"
The reasons stated by you to dissolve association are Bogus & self propagated, hiding the incapability rather portraying the voice & wishes of many Jamiaets.
It is yet another evidence of a puppet working committee in the hands of advisory, continues in their endeavours to kill democracy at every step.
Many Jamiaets, more than in numbers, to the people who decided to dissolve JG, do not concur with this decree rather than a decision.
I have disassociated myself with present working & advisory committee of so called closed JG since long back due to the reasons known to every one by now but never ever given you an authority to take decisions on my behalf.
Jamiaets Global formed on what grounds, with what norms & who did the efforts to make it a reality may have been overlooked or forgotten purposely by politically influenced minds but I remember every thing since its inception.
Jamiaets Global was not a shop running on the norms of profit & loss which can be announced closed by virtue of a “Tughlaqi Farman” decree.
You are advised either to exclude my name from the email sent under the name of founders or specify the name of persons decided the closure of JG.
You mail don’t have option to “reply all” otherwise I would have done it myself, there fore I expect with no hope, a reply from your end before taking a step forward.
Zubair Irshad
A Jamiaet
Founder member JG
General Secretary JG 1999-2006
Elected President JG 2006.
Mohammed Ali Faridi
Jamiaets Global UAE - Closed
Thu, 22 May 2008 17:44:23 IST
Dear Jamiaets Global (JG) Members / Friends,
Please be informed that reference to the meeting held on 16.05.2008 and unanimously decided by Founder Members / Working Committee of Jamiaets Global to dissolve the Jamiaets Global UAE Chapter with immediate effect. It has several reasons to do so few are as under.
1. This organization (Jamiaets Global) was formed to bring all Jamiaets together, and to provide a platform for them to contact / meet together and help each other in their capacity. But since long time as you are aware a number of peoples, on baseless provocation from few are involved in the activities and mismailing to destroy the image of Jamiaets Global for their cheap political interests.
2. Jamiaets Global was formed to help the Jamiaets (by all means); those were coming here seeking employment. But Most of New Comers now has his/her own capability to sustain or face this market with their individual links and resources, which was the elemental goal of the formation of Jamiaets Global to provide the new comers or to the individuals here in UAE.
3. Another motto of Jamiaets Global was to help the needy students of Jamia Millia Islamia and Alhamdulillah this aim is achieved successfully till date. InshaAllah this noble cause will remain and carried out on individual basis in future as well.
These are the few points among many those forced us to close/dissolve the Jamiaets Global UAE Chapter with immediate effect to stop the unnecessary division between Jamiaets in UAE.
So please be informed that Jamiaets Global is no more present in UAE.
Believe us this is very painful and tough decision which we have taken but it looks most appropriate according to the present conditions. Thanks for your understanding and do not feel dishearten. Our affection and love towards our Alma mater, Jamia Millia Islamia and alumnae is not changing.
Best regards and well wishes
Founder Members / Working Committee
Jamiaets Global (UAE Chapter)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Alienated Generation-Professor Mushirul Hasan

A recent turmoil in JMI has disturbed all of us.
The negative role of media has no exception so far.
Following is an article by JMI vice chancellor Professor Mushirul Hasan, who stood firm against all odds & injected a spirit to rejuvenate our souls.
Nobody dare question our commitment to education and the Indian Constitution
THE EXTENT to which our society is getting polarised along religious lines is very disturbing. If this is the state of affairs almost seven decades after independence, what might happen a few decades later? This is not the time to attribute responsibility to different parties or communities. This is a moment of self-reflection; of trying to find out what gives rise to this mindless violence.
The other very disquieting fact is how the electronic media and sections of the Hindi print media have taken upon themselves the responsibility of being the custodian of the nation's interest. The arrogance and intolerance in their coverage reflects a very ominous trend in the history of journalism. I have experienced this recently. The Jamia incident is not a big affair, it could have been easily sorted out, but it was turned into a campaign against a university. Our doors are open to non-Muslims; our teachers are drawn from all communities. Compare our record with that of other so-called secular universities where Muslims have limited access — Benaras Hindu University, Allahabad University, Delhi University itself — then what are we questioning?
A student at the London School of Economic (LSE) was nabbed very recently by the police — does it mean that the LSE has become a hotbed of terrorism? This is senseless. I think we have to fight back. We have tolerated this nonsense for far too long. We should take on the media and demonstrate to the people that they are not trustworthy and are out to basically sensationalise events. Jamia Millia is being seen as the Muslim institution that it is not; it is a secular institution funded by the Central Government. The question of legal aid is not being looked at from the perspective of a teacher's responsibility to her students. As the head of the institution, I feel I have an obligation towards my students. And I am not using the taxpayer's money for it. But the real issue is of principle. If this had happened to a non-Muslim student, I would have done the same. I am also upholding the rule of law. Why have we forgotten the principle that says that an accused is innocent until proven guilty?
In the ultimate analysis, our society, which has gone through the Khalistan movement and experienced terrorism in the Northeast, must look at these incidents in a more cool-headed manner. Because you can't fight it by reacting in a hysterical manner. Also, our police is becoming more politicised and communalised. We haven't reoriented them into becoming the custodians of the secular values enshrined in the Constitution. Over the past 10 years, there has been a systematic pattern — Deoband University, an institution with a glorious record, has been targeted. So has Nadvat-ul-Ulema in Lucknow. Aligarh University has always been targeted, despite its being a modern institution with its doors open to all. Is there a pattern in this madness? We need to reflect on these issues. The alienation is very deep, and has to stop. But instead of supporting us, which would also mean supporting an institution committed to secular values, there are attempts to undermine our secular foundations.
And now we are dealing with a younger generation of Muslims. I believe in a liberal, eclectic and pluralist idea of Islam, but I suspect this vision will not be shared by those who are feeling insecure and excluded, socially and culturally. Why have the guilty in Gujarat not been punished? Why? Why? Why is the VHP and Bajrang Dal not banned for killing innocent Christians and desecrating their churches?
I regard myself, as do millions of others, as part of the edifice that is called India. The idea of India is my idea. There is no India without me, and I will not let that change. We have already taken certain steps to counter subversive ideas that might fracture our secular society. I appeal to civil society and the media to let us live in peace, and get on with our simple and innocent job — pursuit of knowledge. There is a limit to what one can tolerate. Nobody dare question our commitment to education, and our loyalty to the Indian Constitution.
(Hasan is Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi)
Courteesy from Tehelka Magazine, Vol 5, Issue 40, Dated Oct 11, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Jamia Old boys-UAE chapter-Iftaar for a cause
They have appealed all jamiaets to take part in fund raising drive for a noble cause & to show association's commitments to work for the welfare of Jamiaets & people in need.
I wish them good luck & pray ALLAH to make their event successful.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Jamia Millia Islamia Old Boys Association-UAE
Apart from many the uniqueness of association & its functioning is based on democratic & transparent procedures.
Although a president & few vice presidents has been included but it has been done to maintain hierarchy & tradition otherwise all members are same & equally important.
Another new addition was to have president on 06 month rotation, it means present president & 03 vice president will have equal chance to head the association & bring the maximum results for the betterment of jamaiets in UAE & India.
The association will carry forward traditions of JMI & work on democratic norms, its basic principle is to practice discipline within the committee & adhere to it elsewhere.
It was also agreed to respect elders & love younger.
The Jamiaets elected Abdullah Hasan (2003 pass out engineer) as first president for next six months with a sign to follow young blood & give more chances to inject fresh ideas.
Three Vice presidents elected were Haroon siddiqui, nadeem zaidi & Intekhab Alam...these three were made responsible to run three committees as resource, networking & directory/logistic.
There were many new, young & energetic members inducted to new association with a hope to achieve better results & NO to Politics.
I hope this committee will work positively for the cause & flourish for a longer period.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Jamia Millia Islamia-UAE
By focusing only on jamiaets in this region, it doesn't mean that one need to leave every thing & rush for welfare!
It is not possible here & impractical in both sense.
One needs to understand the possible need a jamiaet would require!
An individual can do many things that comes under welfare category, however collective efforts to form a guidelines can serve many in more effective ways for a longer portion of time.
It is true that a thought built on strong principles always remains however individuals may change or extinct!
Many years in UAE & away from Jamia Millia Islamia has strengthen my ideas to commit myself & march forward for all possible guidance to the needy.
Most of times it was on collective basis but last few years individually after deserting a platform infested by a different kind of lobby firmly believed in the type mentioned in the beginning of his post.
It was a process when infection started, it creeps, grown & soon became majority, but, with time passed it went to self decay.
Infact, self destruction.
Many people asked me a question during those days about my isolation.
I keep on telling every one in my contact to believe in ideology & principles. I also mention many times to remain truth full & committed to self for better times later.
It has been noticed that many jamiaets turned away without proper guidance which could have been provided.
Many jobs went unfulfilled that could have been filled with current & available seekers.
No body understand a simple point that extending the hand to help some one will fetch them respect & build confidence among jamiaets.
Sitting on the fence & commenting on the performance of those inside is the easiest thing a person can do, however, only performer knows the real challenge while attempting a task.
A step towards the cause may not bring the results but it gives courage to take another step.
It also motivate others to join.
The real pain can be felt by the one who experience it rather the one who explain of describe, that's why if one has built some thing from scratch by putting all his energy & emotions.....then it gives pain if some one demolish & scrape his efforts.
Jamiaets are in significant number in UAE & it is very difficult to bring all of them together under one roof due to difference of opinion,affection, interests, their schedules etc but this doesn't mean to overlook those who are in need!
Many jamiaets come forward to launch similar platform in UAE to do team work and to establish successful network among themselves.
This was the first step taken towards a cause & i supported them to initiate & establish some thing meaningful.
Also Jamia millia islamia old boys association has granted permission to open an integral but independent chapter in UAE for the same cause, there fore a meeting held on 11.07.08 with interested jamiaets to discuss & outline forthcoming actions and it was agreed to begin with JMIOBA-UAE chapter.
I hope these young Jamiaets will put their sincere efforts together to carry forward true values of Jamia Millia Islamia & to work for the welfare of jamiaets.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Nostalgia-Directory of JG
It was an official & humble beginning of Jamiaets global in July 1999.
Afternoon time, shan restaurant in Sharjah & excitement to meet old friends under one roof materialised when 40 jamiaets along with their family & kids gathered after asr prayer on 15.07.1999.
Shear joy, happiness & emotions took every one by default & a formal proposal to launch an alumni association accepted by all.
It was agreed to form a directory & circulate among jamiaets for networking.
A committee was formed & collecting all information for jamiaets fall on my shoulders.
Using mobile phone was a costly affair those days in UAE & there was very few with email facility as well.
I was ready with the list but question was to take print out.
Mohammed Ali faridi, member of executive committee came forward to take printing task & we have agreed to reimburse him for expenditure of color prints.
I still remembered that JG paid Dhs.12 to Ali faridi against print & photocopy of the First ever compiled directory of Jamiaets in UAE.( i will try to scan & post later the first directory).
Directory in 2000 was in binded form based on data collected & recorded by GS of JG & then compiled by Asim Rasheed.
This time, we decided to take print out without paying any money.
Unfortunately, i don't have this directory in my records.
Directory in 2001, was an improved & handy version.
It was designed in the form of a telephone/address book where name & contact details of Jamiaets pre printed.
The idea freezed after marathon discussion between committee member & specially myself, zakir & asim.
Asim prepared draft & finally we agreed.
The question was again the cost?
We decided to purchase stationary only & printing will be done in Asim's office.
Asim did all the printing & brought every thing to my house, one day before foundation day function.
Asim, zakir & myself with our families sat together to shape all the directories for distribution till late night.
Finally it was done & proved to be a nicer & attractive JG directory.
( I have copy of it & will post cover page later on).
It was 2002 when we found Suhail from fusion prime to take up the task & print JG directory in proper way.
A committee was formalised to coordinate between JG & Fusion prime.
All set & agreed regarding contents & chronology till i found a surprise change during my visit to fusion prime office.
Ali faridi & zaidi made responsible to coordinate has decided to include photograph of office bearers in the directory.
This was revealed by accident during my visit to Fusion prime office!
An emergency meeting called & i urged every one to concentrate on work rather publishing photographs for name & fame.
We must put all efforts for the benefits of Jamiaets & should not convey any signal that points on personal benefit.
With due hesitation, it was agreed to withdraw any photo printing this year.
There fore if some one look at second page, then space of photographs is still there without any pic.
In 2003, we thought of further improved version of directory, there fore i requested all jamiaets to contribute few articles & they did.
Unfortunately, directory didnt completed at the time of annual function due to limitation of our sponsor.
Few people thought & conveyed to many that this was a shear failure & Zubair/Asim are unable to deliver the promise.
In fact Ali faridi went one step forward to send sms to Fusion prime "thank you for supporting me", Later Suhail showed me the message sent by ALI to express his happiness for the absence of Directory.
Many follow ups paid up in a fruit of Directory, was late but mission accomplished.
JG was not strong enough to pay @Dhs.7,000 as direct expense of this directory & the same time we has to be patience to deal with the person doing it free for us.
I have handed over directories for distribution in a tea party held during my absence in 2004.
Ironically, it was distributed by the hands of ALI faridi.
This was the last & best directory of Jamiaets Global so far.
Later committee has abandoned the idea to have physical directory & JG went ONLINE.
Despite of all, One must admit that, printed stuff has no comparison with online directory like we see the ad of Diamond.
Diamonds are for ever!
Prints are for ever.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
why to stop assisting JMI job seekers?
The prime question remain unanswered.
The person flying all the way from Delhi (JMI) to Dubai, definitely have some links & contact to find a job here, however, few come here after securing their job & few come here & search for a better opportunity.
No body lands in Dubai from Delhi without a link.
JMI Alumni in this country has a moral responsibility to assist job seekers from JMI in all possible ways.
Yes, it is obvious that working in individual capacity may have certain limitations, however, working through a platform will surely yield better results.
Any individual who got an opportunity to secure a better career through coordination of alumni will transfer a sense of responsibility for him to put similar efforts for some one else new to the country & competitive job market.
Working in group or together is always proved to be a success.
Iam not worried at all by the statement made by a handful people, i do care for them as they also belongs to JMI, however, i do have a different point of view.
Admit mistake & learn a lesson will elevate thoughts & perspective.
This not only help in clearing the doubts but also increase the credibility of better understanding.
Making excuses due to incapability will only raise doubts among others & that's what happened to some one wrote an email with those lines.
I have already asked him for clarification but you know........
Many healthy/big trees fell down in high wind because they lack in flexibility, however, thin bamboo remain unaffected.
A platform can be created or initiated by an individual or by few people, but it cant belongs to them any more if created under the name of an organisation for masses.
Volunteering for social causes must have a feeling to help without any return.
I hope Welfare for Jamiaets will continue here & abroad & platform will be formed automatically.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Fun cricket match
The match started little late due to complex location of club & there fore reduce by few overs.
Over all three matches played till majority gets exhausted by rigorous physical activity at once.
Bachelors & families attended the event & enjoyed as expected.
Due to few missed out participants, it was agreed to organise a complete tournament later on.
It was also agreed to encourage young & families to come forward for active participation with a sense of responsibility.
Since every one was busy in playing & families with their kids, i don't think any one took photo of the event.
If some one has, please share with us.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Jamia Alumni-keep calm
Iam deeply shocked by recent email war provoked by a BUG & his joint venture.
This was his/Their prime motive to provoke every one of us to create an atmosphere of uncertainity.
As mentioned by Intakhab ur rehman khan it can be termed as ELECTRONIC TERRORISM.
I must say once again to refrain from any abusive language & also ignore such fake & itchy character.
Please do not deviate from your path as these few buggers are trying to do, however, keep your nerves & continue in welfare & construtive works.
This fake character earlier tried to provoke me but to no result, however, he has found few partners & started again to intrude into the privacy of many.
Dont forget that i have already mentioned about this BUG in my previous posting on this blog.
This man/associates have gone further to involve my family & the best example is to visit my guest book & see yourself what he has done.
You might be wondering that why i said so?
Javed Alam/hunter/master are one person only.
Take my words & i can assure you (inshah ALLAH), the more he appears, it gives me more strength to think & work positively for jamiaets.
He & his joint venture cant harm any of you.
Many of you may not know, but i know these kind of people since long time.
He threatened Tauheed khan, a young & dynamic jamiaet, running jamia alumni group on yahoo groups.
He threatened many people by throwing tantrums.
Just remain calm & these bugs will be disappear soon.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Press release-Setting bech mark in project management
The event which is being supported as a Knowledge Partner by AstroWix Corporation featured experts on the domain of Project Management.
The event proved to be an ideal platform for networking among the professionals from various verticals and industries to discover how project management can be a common thread in bringing businesses together.
The program started with Recitation of Quran by continuing traditional way of Jamia Millia Islamia, One of the three central universities in New Delhi, India founded in 1920 at Aligarh & shifted to its present place in okhla in 1935.
The key note & session delivered by Mr.Upendra Giri, who is probably one of those few professionals who is known for his tremendous contributions to the project management community, in both Private and Public Sector in India as well as around the globe. Upendra Giri (PMP®) is the Founder and CEO of AstroWix Corporation, a company exclusively committed to the Project and Program Management discipline. A true leader and evangelist of the profession, Mr. Giri is also the President of the PMI North India Chapter and Charter Member of TIE, The Indus Entrepreneurs.
He is an entrepreneur, consultant, mentor, trainer, and adviser to some of the most able minds in the field of project management. Upendra has trained over 45,000 professionals on best practices in project management around the globe and is responsible for many of the pioneering efforts towards promoting Project Management Principles in the Asia Pacific.
In 1991, Upendra completed his BS in Civil Engineering from Jamia Millia Islamia. Upendra has been actively involved in evangelizing the young minds in around the world on project management practices to prepare the next generation in project management. In 2007, he was awarded by Jamia Engineering Alumni Association for his innovative practices in the country..
For the past few years he has been directly involved in hosting land mark events on Project Management to educate professionals on the best practices of Project Management. Proficient speaker and an expert on the predominant issues in project management; Upendra has been quoted time and again in most of the leading publications in the country for his views.
The evening further blessed by Punit Modhgil, Director Marketing, heads Microsoft’s marketing for Enterprise and Public Sector segments in India. Prior to joining Microsoft, Punit co-founded Pro-more, a London based marketing services firm focused on online marketing and demand generation programs. Punit had complete P&L responsibility and systematically built this company into a profitable venture within 12 months of incubation.
He counts over 18 years of experience success in creating new models to unlock value in technology products and services. He has a track record of building category leading CRM products for leading companies like Oracle Corporation (US), Siebel Systems (US) and Talisma (India).
Event has been presided by Mr.Khursheed Yusuf, a Jamiaets, civil engineer & director of Al mezan trading company.
Vote of thanks delivered by Zubair Irshad, A jamiaet & a civil engineer working with a leading consultancy firm in Dubai,
Zubair conveyed his thanks to all participants, facilitators (Team Jamia), mentors, distinguished guests & Dubai Grand hotel for their support & promised to continue with the trend to enlighten professionals.
It was an evening of about 120 professionals who listen carefully to the mentors for about 3 hours before enjoying a tasty dinner.
Most of the participants overwhelmed by such a professional environment & importance of project management in their respective fields & urged to have similar events in future.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Setting global bench mark in Project management
It is my pleasure to convey sincere thank to the attendees of Professional seminar “Setting global bench mark in project management” on 25.04.08.
The event blessed with 120 participants & guest exceeds the initial speculation of 100 attendees.
I hope you have enjoyed the professional evening with fellow Jamiaets & Experts.
It would have been difficult to organise such event on a short note without help & continuous support of TEAM JAMIA.
TEAM JAMIA will continue in their endeavours to loop Jamiaets in future events of mutual benefits & in line with the Values of JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA.
Note: Details with photo & clips will be posted soon.
I also express dislike to the person forged & circulated original invitation by the fake identity using name of Nadeem Zaidi & his company “Noor ul Ufoq”, Although Nadeem Zaidi was part of TEAM JAMIA to organise the event, however the mailer sent was purely a gimmick & an attempt to confuse people.
The person behind this may not aware of Legal fatalities that may leads to cancellation of Nadeem’s shop license & also defamation suite, penalties, jail term & deportation for the one/group behind this.
I urge, once again to refrain from such activities as our prime motto in this country is to support ourselves & family.
Disagreement to any body’s point of view can be register, discuss, argue, challenge & sorted out mutually/democratically but our presence/action must not cause any harm to some one’s bread & butter.
I hope this message will be viewd by many Jamiaets to understand, counsel & remain committed to spread true values of JMI for the benefits of Jamiaets & to cultivate emotional bonding.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Farooq Saheb
Slowly, The certainity of death putting a full stop to the uncertain life of many......Our turn will also come.
We will soon be the part of PAST.
Kal aur aaiyeN ge naghmoN ki khilti kaliyaN chun ne wale
Mujhse behtar kehne wale, tum se behtar sun ne wale............
Dear Sir (Farooq Saheb),You will remain their in our memories for ever.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Jamia alumni or wrestlers?
His message was very clear & straight with a piece of advice.
The advice given to them was based on his personal bad experience along with his observations regarding an association in Dubai called Jamiaets Global.
He was replied on the same platform by another Jamiaet in Dubai "Danish Faheem" advising him for some do's & don’ts.
Asif replied back to Danish point wise, Danish didn’t agreed.
Any how it was purely the point of view of two people using a common platform of JMI & trying to convey same message under different backgrounds.
It happened some time when people have different approach & many opinions followed by an agreement on some thing & disagreement on some.
ALL of sudden a new fellow "Javed Alam " appeared & conveyed his point of view in a different & threatening style via email to many people in anticipation if his message turned down by the moderator of yahoo group.
When I saw his message, I felt uneasy & replied in a polite way as a goodwill gesture without knowing the person belongs to JMI or not.
As expected, he replied to me with more unethical attitude.
I again replied & copied to all with a clear cut message of not being provoked by his useless attempt.
Infact what I have written was pretty simple "You scared me".
Why I did that?
It was for simple reason........No one knows about Javed Alam.
May be he himself knows about him.
Javed alam with an email identity doesn’t exist in India & in UAE as Javed Alam.
There fore it was a total waste to attend Javed Alam.
I remember one example & which goes like.....
Imagine you are at sleep at night while a BUG invaded to your privacy, sucks your blood to fill his stomach & you woke up suddenly after feeling the itchy bite!
You switched on the lights & try to find out the reason.
Finally you discover a bite mark on your body with no trace of BUG.
You are unable to find the BUG.
This example applies perfectly to Javed Alam.
You know he exist, but unable to find.
You want to treat him, but unable to do that.
What you remain with is a small/ tiny mark reminds you for a bite.
JMI values can’t be derived from the attitude of an ignorant person.
At the same time you can’t go behind each & every single person hiding his identity & using specific tone in a threatening way.
He termed asif, haroon as my associates, yes I do agree,
they are my associates.
All Jamiaets are my associates.
People are known by their works, judged by their attitude & recognised by their actions.
If one tries to taint some one wrongfully then it is his attitude & he will liable for it.
Some one tried to write bad words against me & an attempt to pull my family in on this blog's guest book even.
Let me make it very clear, I was & I will remain unchanged to what I have promised to my self & my alma mater.
Let them come, struggle & try any thing they want.
It will be dealt with diligence & appropriate manner.
There fore I request Asif & haroon to remain calm & don’t try to find "BUG" which disappear after biting them.
This kind of cacophony is nothing but frustration of few weak & destructive minds.
They try to provoke people in way to make JMI platform as a wrestling ground rather than a platform to learn, discuss, and understand to convey their feelings/suggestions for personal & community's welfare & benefits.
Let them do whatever they want....But don’t loose your head & temper.
DONT speak their language although you can do that.
You will see, there will be a time when this kind of infestation will be taken care by a proper pest control.
The time is not far.
Pray to ALMIGHTY to guide us on a right path.