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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Nostalgia-Directory of JG

Making of directory- Jamiaets Global

It was an official & humble beginning of Jamiaets global in July 1999.

Afternoon time, shan restaurant in Sharjah & excitement to meet old friends under one roof materialised when 40 jamiaets along with their family & kids gathered after asr prayer on 15.07.1999.

Shear joy, happiness & emotions took every one by default & a formal proposal to launch an alumni association accepted by all.

It was agreed to form a directory & circulate among jamiaets for networking.

A committee was formed & collecting all information for jamiaets fall on my shoulders.

Using mobile phone was a costly affair those days in UAE & there was very few with email facility as well.

I was ready with the list but question was to take print out.

Mohammed Ali faridi, member of executive committee came forward to take printing task & we have agreed to reimburse him for expenditure of color prints.

I still remembered that JG paid Dhs.12 to Ali faridi against print & photocopy of the First ever compiled directory of Jamiaets in UAE.( i will try to scan & post later the first directory).

Directory in 2000 was in binded form based on data collected & recorded by GS of JG & then compiled by Asim Rasheed.

This time, we decided to take print out without paying any money.

Unfortunately, i don't have this directory in my records.

Directory in 2001, was an improved & handy version.

It was designed in the form of a telephone/address book where name & contact details of Jamiaets pre printed.

The idea freezed after marathon discussion between committee member & specially myself, zakir & asim.
Asim prepared draft & finally we agreed.

The question was again the cost?

We decided to purchase stationary only & printing will be done in Asim's office.

Asim did all the printing & brought every thing to my house, one day before foundation day function.

Asim, zakir & myself with our families sat together to shape all the directories for distribution till late night.

Finally it was done & proved to be a nicer & attractive JG directory.

( I have copy of it & will post cover page later on).

It was 2002 when we found Suhail from fusion prime to take up the task & print JG directory in proper way.

A committee was formalised to coordinate between JG & Fusion prime.

All set & agreed regarding contents & chronology till i found a surprise change during my visit to fusion prime office.

Ali faridi & zaidi made responsible to coordinate has decided to include photograph of office bearers in the directory.
This was revealed by accident during my visit to Fusion prime office!
An emergency meeting called & i urged every one to concentrate on work rather publishing photographs for name & fame.
We must put all efforts for the benefits of Jamiaets & should not convey any signal that points on personal benefit.
With due hesitation, it was agreed to withdraw any photo printing this year.
There fore if some one look at second page, then space of photographs is still there without any pic.
In 2003, we thought of further improved version of directory, there fore i requested all jamiaets to contribute few articles & they did.
Unfortunately, directory didnt completed at the time of annual function due to limitation of our sponsor.
Few people thought & conveyed to many that this was a shear failure & Zubair/Asim are unable to deliver the promise.
In fact Ali faridi went one step forward to send sms to Fusion prime "thank you for supporting me", Later Suhail showed me the message sent by ALI to express his happiness for the absence of Directory.
Many follow ups paid up in a fruit of Directory, was late but mission accomplished.
JG was not strong enough to pay @Dhs.7,000 as direct expense of this directory & the same time we has to be patience to deal with the person doing it free for us.
I have handed over directories for distribution in a tea party held during my absence in 2004.
Ironically, it was distributed by the hands of ALI faridi.
This was the last & best directory of Jamiaets Global so far.
Later committee has abandoned the idea to have physical directory & JG went ONLINE.
Despite of all, One must admit that, printed stuff has no comparison with online directory like we see the ad of Diamond.
Diamonds are for ever!
Prints are for ever.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

why to stop assisting JMI job seekers?

Some one wrote in his email that "New Comers now has his/her own capability to sustain or face this market with their individual links and resources"

The prime question remain unanswered.
The person flying all the way from Delhi (JMI) to Dubai, definitely have some links & contact to find a job here, however, few come here after securing their job & few come here & search for a better opportunity.
No body lands in Dubai from Delhi without a link.
JMI Alumni in this country has a moral responsibility to assist job seekers from JMI in all possible ways.
Yes, it is obvious that working in individual capacity may have certain limitations, however, working through a platform will surely yield better results.
Any individual who got an opportunity to secure a better career through coordination of alumni will transfer a sense of responsibility for him to put similar efforts for some one else new to the country & competitive job market.
Working in group or together is always proved to be a success.
Iam not worried at all by the statement made by a handful people, i do care for them as they also belongs to JMI, however, i do have a different point of view.
Admit mistake & learn a lesson will elevate thoughts & perspective.
This not only help in clearing the doubts but also increase the credibility of better understanding.
Making excuses due to incapability will only raise doubts among others & that's what happened to some one wrote an email with those lines.
I have already asked him for clarification but you know........
Many healthy/big trees fell down in high wind because they lack in flexibility, however, thin bamboo remain unaffected.
A platform can be created or initiated by an individual or by few people, but it cant belongs to them any more if created under the name of an organisation for masses.
Volunteering for social causes must have a feeling to help without any return.
I hope Welfare for Jamiaets will continue here & abroad & platform will be formed automatically.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Fun cricket match

As scheduled, the cricket match has been organised by Jamia Alumni (Team Jamia) on 29.05.08 at Insportz club, Al Quoz, Dubai.
The match started little late due to complex location of club & there fore reduce by few overs.
Over all three matches played till majority gets exhausted by rigorous physical activity at once.
Bachelors & families attended the event & enjoyed as expected.
Due to few missed out participants, it was agreed to organise a complete tournament later on.
It was also agreed to encourage young & families to come forward for active participation with a sense of responsibility.
Since every one was busy in playing & families with their kids, i don't think any one took photo of the event.
If some one has, please share with us.